abcd admin March 1, 2023


What is the diet? A ‘diet’ is the kind of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats, say the vegetarian diet or the non-vegetarian diet. Though it is also generally known as restricting oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food to lose weight, that is called being on a diet.

You’re not alone if you think that the word ‘Diet’ means an unpleasant boring weight loss regimen that you have to follow for a long time to gain a healthy body weight. This is a general mindset people have toward dieting. Diet is not just this, it has a deeper meaning of giving nutrition from the food a person eats or drinks daily. Diet means keeping the nourishment levels up so that a healthy body and lifestyle are achieved and maintained. Under no means does ‘Diet’ means giving up on food, mainly your carbs or sugars, though it means restricting eating some food items depending on your body’s requirement or precautions to recover from a certain ailment.

Food and its types
‘Food’ is any substance eaten to provide nutritional support to the body, it may be of plant or animal origin, raw or cooked. Over a very long period of the existence of humans, the way they have gained food has changed from hunting to cultivating their food, from digging or plucking up plants and trees for their edible parts to keeping poultry. Gradually, as agriculture and its practice grew, so did the availability of a variety of food items. That’s the sole reason we tend to get a variety of choices in food items in the supermarket near us. Healthy food is important, not only does it provide the nourishment it can be a great treat to your taste buds and also keeps your mind and soul healthy. Junk food, on the other hand, can turn out to be very harmful, though they are

Know what your body demands
Nature gives us nearly everything to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nature makes sure to provide what is necessary according to the season. The good watery juicy cucumbers that you get in summers you won’t find in winter or the nice sweet red carrot that you get in winters that would be hard to find in summers. This is nature’s way to let us know what should we eat and when. You must have you’re your grandmother saying ‘seasons ki sabjia season ke fruits khaao” because that’s what nature has been guiding us to forever.

During summers the body demands increased water levels to fight dehydration, heatstroke, and other health issues, thus we have cucumbers, watermelons, berries, lemons, guava, mangoes, zucchinis, bottled gourd, etc.  Whereas in winter, our body needs food items to beat the chilly winds and fight the cold. Hence, nature gives us, oranges, apples, green leafy vegetables, ragi, bajra, turnips, and so many other healthy options.

It is up to us to understand the demand of our bodies.

Health is the key
‘Health’, what is it? It is a state of being free from illness and injury. It involves complete mental and physical well-being. Being healthy doesn’t mean just the absence of diseases, but the ability to recover and bounce back from illness and other problems. Good health is the center of human well-being and progress in every aspect of life. Sound health gives a healthy mind, leads to happy relationships with friends and family, and helps avoid unnecessary stress.

A healthy diet has a very important role in improving personal health. A healthy diet includes both plant-based and animal-based foods that provide nutrients to your body. We must not forget that these nutrients keep our body going, gives us energy, help build and strengthen our bones, and muscles, and help regulate bodily activities.

Know what you are eating
Knowing what you are eating is one of the most basic knowledge one can and should have. Why is this so important? For a simple reason, which is, whether or not we are intaking the right nourishment. It is the nourishment that keeps the body working. Proper nourishment is what will help you stay healthy and also happy not just for your own self but also for the people you love.

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